Your Body as Altar

How do you view your body?

Sacred? Loved? A walking temple?

It took me many years to accept my body as an altar.

Worthy of respect and honor.

One of the messages I had taken on internally that needed to be removed was the voice of the woman who raised me – a voice full of judgement, opinion and rules. No wild colored hair, no tattoos, no loud jewelry or makeup, no clothing she didn’t select. Basically, no being myself, whatever that would have looked like through my own self-expression.

As I did ‘the work’ on learning who I was and how I wanted to be in this world, I started taking on board and owning the messages of “I am worthy“, “I Accept all of me“, “I determine how I wish to represent myself” and the really big one – “I am Enough“.

That also included being responsible for the energy I bring into the world, my home space and other people’s environments. This helped me better understand how my body is an altar.

How I dress it, adorn it with special pieces of jewelry and even permanently ink it with symbolism important to me, affects my energy and mood.

You, beautiful spirit are enough. Today and always.

Getting Started

I offer a simple worksheet for you to download and complete to help you clarify how you would like to present yourself and what items you already have and what items you would like to include.

If you wish to have a personal guided exploration around this form in a one and one clarity session with me, that is an option too! Contact me to set it up.

As a creative, I also make one off pieces of sacred jewelry. I focus on semi-precious stones with specific properties along with ethically sourced wood, bone and up-cycled items to create bracelets and necklaces with intention.

The concept of Narrow and Deep is an important one to me, as an admirer of all things lovely and a dedicated guardian to Mother Earth, I seek to balance my wants with my needs. I encourage you to do the same.
Please click here to learn more about Narrow and Deep living.

Action Step

Speak to your body the same way you would speak to a cherished friend or perhaps a frightened child. Use the tone and words of kindness and gentle care and love. This one sweet vessel you are traveling the planet with is working hard for you. If you don’t do this already, please start today. Internalize the messages of ‘I support you, I will fight for you, We are in this together’. Your body hears the words you say whether out loud or not. Say love. Whisper love. Shout acceptance. You and your body are worth it.

For years I was angry and spewed hateful thoughts at my chronically ill body. I’ve found that really didn’t help. Today I simply say, “I love you body” and give it a visual hug every single day.

Sacred Intentions Jewelry

Examples of custom and one off Sacred Intentions jewelry I offer to adorn your body as your own worthy and beautiful altar.

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Imagery: Kaia Pieters and Julia Ferguson Andriessen
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Let Your Life Be Your Altar

May it be so – So be it