Cerri Lee opens the doors on her Druid life as artist, ceremony writer, jewelry maker and workshop creator in the United Kingdom and online. An interview not to be missed!

Featured Altarist – Felicia Ceballos ~ Marroquin
Felicia Ceballos-Marroquin is fired up with passion and creative solutions for plastic reduction and supporting marginalized communities. Read about her Spiral Upward approach to life and joyous contagious energy.
July 5, 2020

Featured Altarist – Suzan Lemont, M.A.
Our first Featured Altarist, Suzan Lemont, M.A. shares her altar building experiences from young girl to ‘Crazy Wild Mama’ inspiring her daughters and clients throughout Europe and around the world. From her Studio in the Netherlands to her Expressive Arts Therapy trainings at International conferences, Suzan is positively impacting the lives of women everywhere.
April 28, 2020